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Sabtu, 30 April 2016



Asti My Tisnawati, 11212226
Title           :  Analysis Influence of the Marketing Mix to the Purchasing Decision on Waroeng  Steak and Shake Kalimalang.
PI. Major of management. Fakulty of Economy. Gunadarma University. 2015
Keyword           : marketing mix, purchasing decisions.
(xiii + 81 + attachment)

       Marketing mix is such a device that will determine the level of marketing success for the company and all is aimed at giving satisfaction to the segment of the market or consumers who were chosen. In fact mix the marketing is to manage the elements of the marketing mix in order to affect the purchasing decision of the consumers with the aim to produce and sell products and services that can give you satisfaction on the customers.
       The title of this research is"Analysis Influence of Marketing Mix To The Purchase Decision on Waroeng Steak and Shake Kalimalang". The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of simultaneous  marketing mix to the purchase decision on Waroeng Steak and Shake Kalimalang, and to determine the effect of the marketing mix partially to the purchase decision on Waroeng Steak and Shake Kalimalang. To get results of this research writer using an analysis test of validity, test reliability, test of skala likert, test of multikolinieritas, test of heteroskedastisitas, test of normality, test of Regresi Linier Berganda, test of simultaneous, and test of Parsial. Applications SPSS 22 used to help test this model.
       Results  of this research showed a partial that they are influential is the price (X2) and promotion (X4) of the purchasing decision (Y), while variable products (X1), and place (X3) don't have a impact on the purchasing decision on Waroeng Steak and Shake Kalimalang. The research show that are significant influences between products, price, place and promotion to consumer decision to buy Steak at Waroeng Steak and Shake Kalimalang by the coefficient of determination of 42, 8% while the rest of the 57, 2% affected by other variables that are not included in this research.

List of libraries (2000-2008)

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